We are looking to add value to the RiversEdge experience by including Active Visual Artists in our programming. Maybe you are working on a painting, juggling bowling pins, or wearing an amazing cosplay costume to provide photo opportunities for audience members! If you are a visual artist and would like to show off your craft in front of our live audience, we'd love to hear from you. Please read the following AVA Terms and Guidelines before filling out the application form.
Before you read too far!
Please be informed that this application is not for vendor booth spaces. Please see our Arts and Crafts Vendor Application.​

What is an Active Visual Artist (AVA)?
An AVA is an artist (approved by RiversEdge) who can perform their craft during an event in an engaging and professional manner. We want to coordinate your "performance space" in a way that best represents you, your craft, and is conducive to the event production.
Example: A live painter can set up a canvas and easel to paint during the event. By creating/performing during the event, the artist is actively adding value to the overall experience for attendees.
Active Visual Artist
Terms and Guidelines
A designated performance space will be assigned to you based on the needs of your craft and art form. All approved artists must be self-sufficient. RiversEdge is not responsible for displaying your work or providing signage before or during the event.
Electricity is available, but artists must supply their own production gear, including extension cords, lighting, tools, seating, and any other necessary equipment. A RiversEdge Director will assign your space and check in to ensure everything is running smoothly, but you are responsible for managing your area.
Please arrive on time, set up efficiently, and ensure a clean teardown, leaving no mess behind.
Selling your work and accepting payment:
As an AVA, you are trading services—actively performing your craft and engaging with the audience in exchange for the ability to sell your work. All approved AVAs will receive a RiversEdge AVA badge on the day of the event. Without this badge, you will not be permitted to sell or accept payment for your craft.
Any items you display for sale must fit within your designated performance space. For example, a live painter may use a small print rack to sell prints, but not a full 6' table with display racks. Your performance space will be assigned by the Program Director based on your application. If you require a larger space for selling items, please refer to our Arts and Crafts Vendor Application. You are welcome to apply as both an AVA and an Arts & Crafts Vendor, as long as you meet the guidelines outlined in both applications.
If your art form is primarily performative, you are allowed to accept tips. However, you must still operate within your assigned space when selling work or accepting payment. (For instance, if you are a juggler, the Program Director may grant you the ability to roam the event while accepting tips.)
Weather and safety:
During inclement weather, AVAs are responsible for their own art, equipment, and personal safety. Please stay informed of weather forecasts and take proactive measures to protect yourself and your craft. RiversEdge is not liable for any damage to you, your artwork, equipment, or any items you bring to the event.
What events will AVA's be performing?
We would like to have AVAs at all of our Free Admission shows, ticketed events, and special events such as the "May the 4th Be With You Star Wars" event. However, the number of AVAs who apply and qualify for an approved APA position will need to be determined. Once approved, a Program Director will reach out to you to discuss event scheduling.
What are the qualifications?
Your application and media submissions will be reviewed by the RiversEdge Program Directors. We are seeking artists who are passionate about performing their craft at the event. We want to see that the artist has dedicated time to mastering their skill to an "above novice" level and takes their craft seriously. The artist must demonstrate they can independently perform their craft and contribute positively to the overall event experience.
Misconduct by AVA's and mismanaged AVA spaces will result in event eviction.
We are committed to supporting artists and genuinely want you to be a part of our event! However, we ask that you take care in managing your space. If we find that your space is being mismanaged, we will ask you to leave, and you will not be allowed to return to future events as an AVA. Please note that we have police officers on-site to help enforce this policy.
Merit for Event Eviction
Examples of misconduct and mismanaged AVA spaces that merit event eviction:
• Disorderly conduct by artist and/or associates.
• Causing harm to others.
• Taking up more than approved space and disrupting crowd flow.
• Selling items outside of approved performance space or pre-approved limitations.
• Not actively performing or engaging audience. AVA's are not allowed to just sit and sell items. (Taking reasonable breaks and shifts is fine. If the "work of art" is finished toward the end of the event, then the artist may relax and present the art as finished, just as long as the AVA spent a majority of the event engaging the crowd through their craft.)
• Selling items outside of your approved art form. (Example: A painter may not sell food or glow sticks.)
• Using and/or selling drugs or alcohol.
• Defamation of property. (Example: A painter may not paint the sidewalk or public park property.)
• Defamation or misrepresentation of the RiversEdge brand using social media or any other method.
• Using inappropriate language or hate speech toward crowd members.
• Displaying work that elicits discrimination and/or hate speech.
• Creating and/or leaving a mess in your performance space. (Example: Your performance space has trash on the ground and your art supplies are on the ground and being stepped on.)
• Displaying pornographic content and/or nudity. (We understand that the human form can be artistically portrayed with sophistication. If your art contains nudity, please send us examples of your work in your application so we can determine if it is appropriate for display. The RiversEdge events are family friendly and there may be parents with children who do not understand the difference between nudity and art.)
Thank you for reading through the AVA terms and guidelines. We are extremely excited to have the visual arts play a larger roll in our events! Please fill out the form below to apply as an AVA!